Friday, December 30, 2011

Holding yourself accountable for greatness

OK I know this is a simple title but I am going to introduce an exercise that I really want you to take seriously.

In terms of unlocking and performing at the level of Greatness that is inside of you, you will have to go through this tough step.

1.  Discovering your worth
   Other wise known as what it is that you deserve
   *Step in front of a mirror  ( preferably at home and when you have lots of time )
   * Ask yourself  " What am I worth? "
   Now reader this question isn't for your spouse, its not for your boss, It is for you.  This isn't about any one's opinion, assessment, or goal.  This is about you

2. The Second question will come quite naturally ;
     If I deserve these things, Why don't I have them
   No excuses, no blame, just raw honesty .What or who is holding you back? How many opportunities to improve have you missed?  What obstacles have you allowed to stand in your way? what is keeping you from being great?  IS IT YOU ?????

  This is tough, but if being great was easy, everyone would be operating that way.

3. Develop a Plan of action
     This isn't a "resolution" to be lived a while and forgotten.  This is a Life altering plan that will shape your future and it should be treated as such
                                         - What needs "fixed"
                                         - What will it take in terms of commitment
                                         - What will it take in terms of Work
                                         - What is a reasonable time table
                                         - Who can you lean on for direction and assistance
                                         - Where is your passion level? ( Are you ready to do what it takes?)

Of course I do not have the room here to go much further into this but I think you can see the Path

Sell like your living depends on it


Tuesday, December 27, 2011

The " not so secret" all time solution to higher sales and a better life !!!!!!!!!!

WOW what a title!!!!

Sounds like I have a formula here that may just change your life,  That's because I do. 
This formula is inside of a container that you already have with you, as a matter of fact that container is YOU

I have met a lot of sales people in my life, some just seem to know how to get that inward fire stoked, while others, try as they might, cant seem to get it burning
  These poor guys try it all, energy drinks, loud music,jogging in place, they manage to get their blood pumping for a short burst... but soon find they burn out.
  If this is a picture of you, the situation is very simple , you just haven't learned a  basic truth.

  We have all heard of the men and women who against incredible odds, and impossible circumstances manage to survive.   Things like being lost in the wilderness, Trapped in demolished buildings, Stranded on snow covered mountain tops.
   We have read the stories of the people who lift cars off of children, run through blazing fire to save a loved one, or some other feat of heroism.
These folks are built just like you and I. They are wonderful complex human beings.
 They are People who find Greatness inside of themselves.

  So what about you?  do you think you were skipped in this department ?  Absolutely not !!   This tenacity, this determination, this supernatural charge of energy is waiting inside of you.

 Unlocking it starts with your unwavering conviction
  You cannot be willing to accept less than greatness in yourself. 
    Don't rest your head on the soft pillow of self pity, it will lull you to sleep and you will be doomed to a career filled with mediocrity and average success.
  You must push yourself to be better today than you were yesterday.  You have to get up every morning and find within you that determination and drive that will carry you to the top of your selling game. 
   I am not a doctor, nor a professional trainer. I am not a guru by any one's standard . But this I KNOW without the sincere conviction that you are capable of great things, you will never achieve great things
You cannot be willing to accept less than greatness in yourself. 

You must call your self to action
  Develop the daily routine of "Calling yourself to the task at hand.  I will give you a daily affirmation that I believe will help you to do this.  You are welcome to use it "as-is" or modify it as needed.


I am going to continue on this theme for the next few posts, I am interested in hearing from you, please feel free to use the comment section.  or email me at

Tomorrow we will look at holding yourself accountable for greatness

Sell like your living depends on it


Tuesday, December 20, 2011


Please let me wish you and your family the

Merriest of Christmas and a Prosperous New Year

from Donnie

I look forward to giving you even more common sense sales tips next year

Saturday, December 17, 2011


In the world of sales this is a very important question

We are a part of a profession that is rampant with slick talking gurus who promise a quick road to wealth and success.   The problem is that the quick path is often a low road.

Imagine that you are walking a balance beam, Its not too narrow to walk on, but it is a beam so balance is needed to get across
- It takes focus ; Don't take your eyes of the Goal , looking right/left, or down will draw you off track .
- It takes a sure step - Be sure of your footing, this is your integrity, your training, and your attitude. make sure that your decisions and actions are based on solid principles and good values

  Test the intentions and the methods of those that would seek to influence you as a sales person.  Are they asking you to defy the principles of the organization, or asking you to compromise your morals?  
There is no good reason to operate beneath your principles.  
Solid leadership will INSIST that you operate in a respectable , professional manner. 
I want you to remember that following is a choice, you will ultimately pay the price for following poor leadership, or reap the reward of following a good leader.

Standing on the good SOLID principles of Integrity and Professionalism , and hard work will always reap long term success.
Even when you see others reaping short term reward from deceit and poor sales practices .  Keep your self disciplined   DO RIGHT
This may mean that you temporarily stand alone, but be sure others will join you in the pursuit of excellence.  Be an example worthy of being followed

The old Country song is right, you have to stand for something, or you will fall for anything

A parting thought


Sell like your living depends on it

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

The new year is approaching, LETS SET SOME GOALS

Goal setting as a Sales Pro is not a matter to be taken lightly, This is our living we are talking about, lets get serious about planning our success.


 - What did you accomplish this year?
  - How did you adjust your initial projections ( Did you raise them because your results were better than expected .  Or did you lower the forecast ?  WHY? )

 - Did you give everything you had to the task?  ( Be honest here, Did you????  Dont fall into the trap     of setting goals based on last years mediocre effort)


     - What is the level of income that you want to make?
     - What is the amount of Product that will get you there ?
     - What is the level of work you will commit to get it done?
     - What will you do to ensure the success of your year
                                                                                       WRITE IT DOWN


  A Daily plan  -> Outline the steps you need to take daily to reach the goal
                               calls / appointments / fresh contacts
                               What do you need to do to hit these targets ,

 A Weekly Plan -> This is a Benchmark Plan
                       -   Set these goals based on the week as a whole not by the individual Day , Use these numbers to establish the acceptable Standard of performance, and a forecast of the Month end results - This will tell you if the daily goals need adjusted to keep you on track.

A Monthly Plan ->  This is the Recap Plan  These goals should be based on 1/12th of the Year  These numbers should be held as NON-NEGOTIABLE , they are the unmovable expectations that you are pushing yourself to achieve
                                   - Accept no excuses for failure - instead adjust the next month's plan to
                                      recapture lost ground
                        - Be stead fast , dont lose steam - You set the bar, now push yourself to achieve !!

FAMILY-TEAM MATES - MANAGEMENT - FRIENDS -VENDORS- Any one and everyone that will get behind you and help you succeed

Sell like your living depends on it


Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Lets make it happen

I suppose there are few things as dis heartening to a retail sales pro than a business slowdown

You know what i am talking about, those days that feel as if they are crawling by, when there is just not enough coffee to keep you awake. 

This is time we are most vulnerable to day dreaming, Time wasting, and the general dismemberment of all we are working towards.




  Activity breeds activity.  
Hey you've got the time available, so lets use it !!  I will give you a formula that will increase your sales in a down month

A. - Send 20 handwritten notes daily
           Let your prospects know that you are still in there working to earn their business
Snail mail is a lost art form, it is generally ignored by your competition which makes it fertile soil for growing new business - avoid form letters or computer generated "sell it all" letters.  Just a few quick lines , hand written and sincere.

B. Dial for Dollars

  30 to 35 calls a day
  Not just blind cold calling here,  targeted planned calls.  Contact those customers that just needed some more time to make a decision.  Contact that Customer who was just starting his shopping experience.  Call the guy who told you no.
Are there deals and incentives that are here this month that wer'nt the last, Whats new in your industry ?  Are there exciting product changes, PEOPLE NEED TO KNOW  and you've got the time to tell them !!

C. Tend your Garden

  You have developed a book of business, You have sold customers that know you, like you, and trust you.
They have friends and family members that would benefit from your services. Lets get those names and numbers. ( Create a reward system that makes your customer happy to have helped you with a referral  a little money, a gift card, maybe a meal at the local restuarant )

Hey were getting busy already!!  But we are not done yet !


    A.-  Make sure you are up to speed on any new innovations in product.
    B. Analyze your competition, What are they doing well, what can you learn from them, and how will we
         stay ahead of them
    C. Perform a "Post Mortem" on lost deals ( I know this is a painfull exercise, It involves admitting we   were   not as good as we could have been .  We have to look at our selves in a brutally honest light here and answer the toughest of all questions " Where did I fail?"

      One thing I have learned through the years is that a tight knit, like minded positive team can accomplish great things together.   This is the time to make that happen,
Team up for your mutual success
Help a partner close a deal, ask them to help you, a fresh face, a new voice, this may be all it takes to turn a prospect into a customer and the team will be stronger for the success.
   Train together -work on the rough areas of your game, steel sharpens steel !!
Share positive influences- we all need fresh insight and positive energy to stay on top.  Be a provider of that energy

I'd share more, but you are way too busy to sit and read !!!

Sell like your living depends on it,

Thursday, December 1, 2011

The Wrap up ( The close of the deal) - Short bursts of Amazing

To reach this point in the process, two things will have to be true

1. You have earned the trust and respect of the customer
2. Our product has proven to be what they want

 Now we are to the step of asking for the money.

The point of this blog has always been the common sense side of selling, with that in mind I will not spend time on "closing techniques" or Word tracks.  I will however offer three simple suggestions that will result in an amazing experience for your customer.


  If there is a manager or other party involved in the process, don't hide that fact.  Let your customer know who they are working with and how the process works.  Failing to do this, will result in the customer feeling "in the dark" and they will end up doubting the wisdom of the purchase.  It will also keep them from putting demands on you that are not possible for you to fulfill.
 If there are conditions attached to the sale make sure they are clear.  If there are additional needs that will have to be met, or equipment that will have to be purchased address it all, be proactive and factual, We worked hard to earn their trust, let's not blow it here.


   Let's commit every facet of the sale to ink.  This step is the one sales people dislike the most, we by nature are not "paperwork" people .  You must work against your instincts to just simply shake their hand and assure them that all will be handled.  Even with the best of intentions if the facts aren't written down, someone will forget or something will get skipped.  When we are looking to be Amazing we have to be on top of the details. 
Continue the trend you started with in the greeting.  We are looking to make this visit a success . Every small detail must be addressed,written down, and confirmed.


Now is the time to practice the lost art of saying "Thank You". 
"Mr. Jones, I know you could have spent your hard earned money any where, but I am truly grateful that you decided to spend it with me.  I will work hard to make sure your ownership experience is a pleasant one, and If there is any thing that I can do please don't hesitate to call. "

Sell like your living depends on it

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

The sales Experience- Short bursts of Amazing part 2

So any sales person can point, any sales person can read a brochure, any sales clerk can price a unit

Our job here is NOT to be just any Sales person !!

An Amazing Sales eperience has three main ingredients regardless of the product you are selling


  What are they looking for? Why do they want / need it,
The key to making this experience world class for our customer lies in our ability to listen
Wait... take a moment... LET THAT SINK IN
I'll say it again
 The key to making this experience world class for our customer lies in our ability to listen

- Ask the questions that get you the information you need to know

  Don't waste time trying to be clever in this step, just ask honest questions.
                                    - What are you trying to accomplish
                                    - What is your preference in product
                                    - How will you be using it
                                    - What type of budget have you set for this purchase
                                    - What obstacles stand in the way of our filling this need

    Notice I did not use the word presentation .
That's because a presentation involves more talking and less doing
 Our role here is to demonstrate our product's ability to meet the needs of our customer , both with ease of use, and technical accomplishment.
  We will have to have some savvy here.
 Any sales clerk can "pass the buck" to their service and delivery staff, and most do.
 They use clever sayings like " We have folks that will go over all of this with you." and  "I just sell them, someone else will explain it all for you ."

Remember what we are trying to accomplish here, WE are looking to be AMAZING
  - Know your product
                  This comes from having spent time with the product, understanding how it works, and why it benefits the consumer
  - Be able to answer common questions without "passing the buck"
  - Be interactive, don't just show the features, let the Consumer operate the functions whenever possible.
  - Personalize the demonstration - That's why we listened,
        Our customer doesn't care how someone else will use it- lets demonstrate how they will use it


 As a sales person, you need to understand that a customer begins to take ownership of a product long before any money changes hands.
  When our customer can "see " themselves owning a product, they begin to take ownership of it.
Without this step no purchase will be made.
  - Don't clutter this moment with stupidity and insincerity
                    Don't insult the buyer with phony claims of "one time incentives"
                    Don't rush them to purchase by telling them our product will be something it is not
                    Avoid making promises you are not 100% sure you can fulfill
They can get these actions anywhere, and they can smell average a mile away,  Our job is to be Amazing
  In short, Let the Customer buy the unit because it is what they want, It does what they need, and we have done an amazing job of demonstrating these facts.

Sell like your living depends on it

Saturday, November 19, 2011

The Greeting - Short bursts of Amazing

Your ON !  Its your turn to take the next Customer.  This is a great time to be a Salesperson. The energy at this moment should be hard to contain. You have in front of  you the opportunity to help another person get what they want, and all they while help yourself .  Can it get any better than this?

They're in the door :


Do you appear ready?  We don't want the customer feeling like they are "interrupting" us . Lets have our phones put away, and our hands free. We want to look capable of taking care of them.

Is the entrance free from clutter?  Does the reception area look inviting, warm and friendly?  In short ,will our customer's first impression be that we are glad they are here?


Good eye contact, A firm handshake , Smile .
Now here is the part we just get lazy at . For some reason we just don't see this step as being as important as the rest of the visit.  Many sales people just kind of brush through this as a necessary evil in getting on to more important matters.  The truth is at this moment in the process, it is the most important thing that you are doing so make it a priority.

" Welcome to __________________  My name is ________________ and you are... ( wait on the names and commit them to memory !)

So what now?   Sure, you could go with the old standards
How can I help you?
Can I help you?
Do you folks need some help?
Are you looking for something in particular?
Can I help you find something ?

Lets use our greeting to set the goals for the visit .  How about we find out what our customer is here for and how we can be a part of that purpose .

OK, I'm gonna give you this greeting for free !!  ( I do accept tips )

Hi, Welcome to __________  I'm glad your here,
My name is __________ and you are ....?
what can I do make Our time together  a success ?

I can hear all you "seasoned pros" out there  saying  "that's corny, it will never work..."

Think about it.  Isn't this what you really want to know?  So here is a refreshing idea, ask the question you really want the answer to.  I know it is not "clever", or slick, but it is honest and it will get the goals for the visit established early. 

That's all for today, Try this and let me know in the comment section how it works for you

Sell like your living depends on it

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Short bursts of Amazing

If you are like me, you have been putting a lot of thought lately into the subject of being better than you are.

  This current time in our nations history is making it crystal clear that the mediocre sales habits of yesterday will simply not get the job done any longer.

  I used to "shop" the competition on my days off, you know go to their place of business as a customer and see how they did things and what their pricing was like.   Now I can see most everything I need to know online.  And so can my customer.
   This fact has pushed the envelope for us, we must now be better than the brick and mortar location, and more appealing that the web , In short when our customer  is in front of us, we must be AMAZING
We simply can't leave their expectations un fulfilled.  We have to offer more value, better service, and all the while make it EASY to buy from us.   We need a short burst of amazing. 


If you plan to live well, and drive a decent car, If you don't want to check your wallet every time you walk into a restaurant .  You will need to get used to the idea that AMAZING pays the bills!
- Amazing Customer service -  Our customer will only reward the sales person that makes him feel special
       Sending the message that your customer is worth whatever it takes , Going the extra mile, being truly AMAZING
- Amazing follow up - Being there, It is just that simple, being available to the customer both before and after the sale   Become an AMAZING point of contact

 the hard truth in Selling is this : Good enough isn't good enough any more !

Beginning with tomorrow's post I will take you through a sample selling process one step at a time, and we will look at ways to become amazing

Stay tuned , It's gonna get AMAZING

Friday, November 11, 2011

Consider the Source

As a salesperson we are subject to a number of influences.

 Some influences mean to make us better, and then there are those that would do us harm.  Don't misunderstand me, I don't think we are in any sort of Physical danger at any given time, but we face something just as potentially dangerous to our performance , negativity.

  This is that low down, scummy , sneaky ,get ya when your not looking kinda influence.. It shows up in the voice of a friend reminding you of how bad the economy is.   It will show up in the arms of a manager that has had a bad day.  It may show up on the heels of a bad sales month . It may even present itself in a family member's lack of confidence in what you are trying to do. 

  The Fact is,  It is powerless until it you give it life.  This energy sucking parasite is like a tick, it is just a little bug until it gets under your skin and feeds.


  OK so you find yourself surrounded by it, Hey that's good news.  When surrounded by the enemy, no matter what direction you shoot you'll hit somebody!!  Just start shooting ,
  Put your Positive influence out there, say something kind, go out of your way to lift someone up.  Buy a new CD, read a new book, DO SOMETHING POSITIVE . 
Where there is no gardener, there is no garden . Don't feed it, don't water it, don't give place to it .  Insist that you remain positive and intentionally seek out influences that will strengthen that position.


  Let the end of negative influence be with you!!  It started somewhere, somebody gave place to it, they fed it and now they are passing it on to you  STOP , PAY ATTENTION TO WHAT IS HAPPENING AND REFUSE TO CARRY IT FURTHER


  Be a leader, a source of Positive influence. Bring the medicine that PREVENTS the disease .  Search for reasons to be optimistic, and SHARE those reasons. 

Just a note,  I see in my stats that I have gained quite a few regular readers, Please feel free to interact with me, leave comments, share experiences.  If this blog is helpful at all please let me know.

Those of you that have sent me emails ,thank you and keep em coming.   I appreciate any feedback

  If there is a topic  that you would like to see addressed let me know what that is.

Sell like your living depends on it

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Luck takes work

Early in my career  I wasted a lot of time looking for lucky breaks that would increase my income, and make me a better Sales person
  Like a lot of sales people  I hoped for that big chance at the big sale that would change my fortunes forever
after some time I realized that Luck had nothing to do with being better

  There is an old saying, the harder I work the luckier I get

This saying has a lot of truth in it. I found that one key to becoming better was to put more effort into it than my peers.

- I came in early, and I stayed late  - prepared for my day, got the morning pleasantries out of the way and was ready to sell when the opportunity arrived  At the end of the day I found the quiet time I needed to review any mistakes that I had made, and decide how I would fix them in the future. I also found the time to write quick thank you notes to my customers, and make a call or two to the folks I didn't reach earlier in the day  I found my self talking to more customers and making more deals. Just lucky I guess

- I studied - Everything I could get my hands on, Product literature, Sales training books, Company manuals just any thing that might give me a morsel of knowledge that I didn't have when I started   I found my self more comfortable answering questions my customers asked. I saw that having the answers gained me a higher standing with the People that were buying from me. They trusted me to pass on good information and not just clever "sales speak"   This skill allowed me to make better gross profit on my deals and my income increased . Plain lucky if you ask me .

- I practiced - I pitched my product to any one that would listen .  Team mates, Customers, passers by, just any person that might take a moment and listen, including my wife and children. The more I practiced the better the presentation became .   I managed to talk more about how the product improved the lives of my prospects, I could demonstrate that benefit in a way they could understand .I knew what my product did and how it worked  My confidence rose and my sales increased . Lucky again 

  These are just some suggestions from my own career, I am by no means the best I can be, but I certainly know what it takes to get better. And that my friend keeps me lucky to this day.

Sell like your living depends on it

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Nothing replaces human contact

  If you want to get a hold of me I can be reached by email,text message, Instant message, facebook message,skype, twitter, myspace message, Snail mail, land line , Cell Phone, or homing Pigeon

Seems familiar doesn't it.

  Technology has added so many tools to the selling process that I think we sometimes under value good old fashioned face to face contact.

  As a sales person this method should rank an Overwhelming first place, in your preferences of contact.

    Face to face conversation gives the customer a "sense" of who you are. They hear the sincerity in your voice, they see the concern in your eyes.  They decide if you are a person that they can connect with, and  they act on these feelings.


    For those of you relying heavy on email for your initial contact, let me remind you that the Nigerian schemers and the Phishers, and the Spammers are playing in that same arena.  As consumers we have become accustomed to being suspicious of email offers.  There are many reasons to meet a prospect face to face , but most importantly it fosters trust.
  A firm handshake, eye contact, a warm smile and some focused time.  These are the initial building blocks to a trust centered business relationship.  What replaces a handshake?

  Last week I contacted the largest car dealership in our area via email to set an appointment to test drive a new Ford Edge.  I received the auto response, "A salesperson will be in touch". 
 Within an hour I received an email from a Salesperson, he confirmed the Car was in stock, and asked when we might meet.  I called him on the phone and told him I would be there in an hour.

  When I arrived at the dealership the salesperson was working with a young couple, and I figured they were very early in the process. ( still picking out a car to drive) 
  I told the Receptionist that I would return in 2 hours , and please let the sales person know that I understood he was busy. 
  I called the salesperson  prior to my return and confirmed my arrival.   Upon my return  I was informed my sales person, was again unavailable ,
  I may very well have liked this sales person, had I met him
   There is a better than good chance I would have shown more understanding if I were invested in him, or felt he was invested in me.
  Certainly by working at a dealership myself, I understand that things happen. But I had no reason to commit further in this process. 

So whats my point ?

  Had the sales person put value on human contact, when I confirmed my appointment, he would have set aside the time to meet with me. 
 Even if he was busy unexpectedly, A  few short moments to shake my hand, and inform me of this,  would have strengthened our rapport tremendously.
  I did however receive an email from the dealership thanking me for coming in.

Sell like your living depends on it


Monday, November 7, 2011

Being a difference maker

  I have just wrapped up  the five part series on Traits of Great Salespeople .  I received an email from a young sales person who asks " What if I am working to be a sales great, and my company is not concerned with greatness?"


From time to time you may find yourself working with a team that seems to put no importance in doing the things that set a company apart as truly exceptional .

 This can be a very discouraging feeling, but you can make a difference.


  Is it really the team that is failing to live up to greatness?  Has your attitude slipped and changed your perspective?   Hey it happens, a sales slump,  some bad personal experience, maybe you have fallen in with some very negative influences.  Before you know it you are blaming the company for your lack.
  The mirror is the first step in being a difference maker.  Make sure you are putting in all the personal effort you can, and check your attitude .  Step one, Make sure you are not the problem


Where can the team do better? How can you contribute to the success of the organization.  Remember if the company fails you fail as well.  Sure you'll find another job, but you have this one now , so lets work on making it better.
 Ask  sincere " why" questions.  "why are we doing it this way?"
 Don't waste time being combative here, it only serves to shut down the positive communication you are trying to encourage
 Show leadership
 Be willing to lead the effort, put in the work, and set the example.  Criticism without action is wasted breath.  You don't have to hold a title to be a leader.
Acknowledge progress
 If it is getting better, say so.  this is a building process, Positive reinforcement is the mortar between the bricks.  A pat on the back from a team mate is worth huge rewards to the team as a whole.


To many salespeople "jump ship" when the going gets tough.  We have the tendency to ask loyalty of our employer, and not require it of ourselves.   I am not suggesting that there aren't legitimate reasons to leave a bad team. However I think we need to invest more time in improving the team before we throw in the towel.
Remember what drew you here
  There was something that made this team appealing, what was it? has it changed? Can you get it back with some work.  Its easy to whine, its harder to work and build.  The work is worth the reward.
Take a fresh look at your goals
Renewed focus is often all that is needed to turn a team around. Take a hard look at your personal goal revive that inward fire that drives you, and see if the team doesn't improve
Set an improvement time line
 Decide what is a reasonable expectation of time for a turn around.  Put in your best effort, and give it the opportunity to improve
No one ever finishes in first place by quitting the race

Sell like your living depends on it


Friday, November 4, 2011

A Positve Attitude

The final trait for this series on five traits that make Great Sales people


OK, here it is ,the nail that has been hit millions of times, in every conceivable manner, by every sales trainer I have ever heard speak.

And yet it is important enough to mention again!!


It is not a blind , Cartoonish view of the world .  It is not an unyielding belief that all things and all people are good.  It is not a state of ignorance or a child like view of life


A deliberate setting of the mind to avoid all thoughts and actions or people, that would negatively impact the life or work of the Sales person
  It is the intentional impacting on those around us in a positive and uplifting manner.
It is a critical element of success as a sales person, And I believe, success as a person in general
It is the constant pursuit of good training, and positive influences in one's life

  lets face it, as Sales people we face rejection and negativity on a daily basis.  Even the best of us statistically
will fail two thirds of the time. We have to be armed to offset that negative wave, A positive attitude is the best preparation we can have

- It drives us to learn our craft
- It inspires others to step up
- It shines a light when surrounded by dark influences
- It is the fuel that gets us up early, and keeps us up late
- It is a family's strength when the world says the outlook is dim
- It is the difference maker in head to head competition
- It is the heart beat of good selling organizations
- It is the shield that protects from the spears of our enemies
- It is the deep breath that keeps us from drowning when we are under water in life
- It is the telescope that puts the better horizon in focus

Sounds Great doesn't it ! So where do you find it ? 


- It needs to be fed with good influences ( read good books, listen to great speakers, surround yourself with positive people.
- It needs to be shared , The more Positive energy you put out the more you get back, It is a self fueling
- It needs to be protected.  there are those that will rob it from you if you let them

Sell like your living depends on it


Thursday, November 3, 2011

A sense of Purpose

The fourth in Our series of five traits of Great Sales people


  1. The object toward which one strives or for which something exists; an aim or a goal: "And ever those, who would enjoyment gain/Must find it in the purpose they pursue" (Sarah Josepha Hale).
  2. A result or effect that is intended or desired; an intention.
  3. Determination;  He was a man of purpose.
  4. The matter at hand; the point at issue.
  Those that truly master the craft of selling, are acutely aware of what they are working toward.  they are also grounded in the processes necessary to achieve that purpose
 The economy may waiver, The industry may be shaken, The money may get harder.  But the Greatest in our field just keep pressing forward.  They adjust their gameplan to account for changes in the market place ,but never take their eyes off the prize.
  Please don't mistake this trait for blissfull ignorance, these are not ignorant professionals.   They stay up to date on industry trends and market fluctuations they are vigilant about staying current and proactive in their approach.
  A true selling great understands that fear is a gateway to failure, and they use preparation and hard work to overcome it.
  This principle trait makes them a natural leader, regardless of title.  Team mates and management both draw strength and encouragement from him or her .
  The Idea that you are what you do , is bad thinking .  You are many things,  A spouse, a Son/Daughter, a Father or Mother, A grandparent.   The best among us realize they are many things to many people, They work at having a healthy balance at life.  
  Seeing yourself in a complete picture is critical to success at selling.  It tells you how it all fits together for you. Looking at your self in this way ,will help you find structure and peace, It will make you a better sales person and a better person all around. 
  The importance of goals both personal and professional cannot be over stated .  
Benchmarks of progress are nessecary to understand where you are in life and how your work is contributing to your success.
Set simple clear goals  I would suggest a Daily, weekly, monthly, and Yearly plan.  Use these goals, as the best do, as milemarkers . 
 Where am I  vs. Where am I going .  How has my work paid off?  Am I in need of additional support, or an adjustment to my approach.  A simple plan makes the answers clear and that makes for Great sales people

Sell like your living depends on it


An Outpouring nature

The third trait in our series Of common traits of great Sales people


  Those that reach the pinnacle of the selling profession know this principle trait well.

  You see the hallmark of success has never been the amount of money you make, although that is certainly a benefit of sales success.  It is in fact the number of lives you influence


If you have been in sales for any length of time at all, someone has mentored you at some time.  Chances are good that someone was not in a position that REQUIRED them too .  Rather odds are that those that mentored you most positively are Sales people that took of themselves, and poured into you


Fill a cup past the brim, and someone or something is going to get wet !!    When A Professional sales person is experiencing the benefits of being at the top of his or her game, It is a natural extension to want to share that success with the team around them.  That is exactly what the best in our business do


  When I came into sales, it was into a small office supply company.  I sold office equipment on the road to various businesses in Indiana.  One of my clients was an RV dealer.  I had the opportunity to show this dealer  a copier. About thirty minutes into the presentation, he asked me rather plainly, " Do you know how to close me?" .  I had to admit to him I didn't even know what the word close meant. 
  He made me the offer that changed my life.  He did not offer me a job, but rather, he told me if I would come by once a week, he would teach me how to sell .   We set the day for Tuesdays, (he bought the copier incidently), and my path of learning had begun.
  This man had no reason to invest his time or energy into me. He owned just a small dealership, and had no budget for another sales person.  He simply understood the principle of an out pouring nature.
  Three years later I went to work for that same dealership, and I was there for close to 17 years.  I began as a salesperson, and eventually held the position of GM.  I would have never experienced the RV business, or true sales success were it not for this Sales great in my life.  I have seen this principle first hand.


  Some one may say thet the only reason the Dealer above poured into me was to eventually hire me.  The truth is however He recieved the direct benefit of his out pouring nature.  I watched him for many years pour into others in the same way, He spent thousands of dollars making opportunities happen for his people.  ( I have since learned this is characteristic of many RV dealership owners in this great business)  This man started as a sales person , poured into others, and reaped the direct benefit from it

Sell like your living depends on it

Monday, October 31, 2011

Inward Accountability

The 2nd trait of GREAT Sales people in our series


Every sales person has someone that they are ultimately accountable too The greatest in our profession hold themselves to a higher standard than others expect of them


  You won't find the best in the sales game taking part in slippery snake oil selling.  They know that at the end of the day deceit brings defeat
  You'll find them working hard to be sure that every detail of a transaction is disclosed, every promise kept, and even if it means losing the deal, every fault uncovered.
   A true sales professional understands that along wwith his money, a customer also spends his trust.  This expendature means something special to a truly great Salesperson .

A mentor of mine once told me that when you point a finger at someone else the fingers left balled up in your palm all pointed back at you.
  The Greatest among us do not waste time with the blame game, They step up and take full responsibility for the success or failure of every transaction.
  They are the first to check the details, The first to admit fault , And usually the first on the scene with a solution . 


  Whatever it takes.  We hear this phrase a lot  in sales .  Have you ever had the pleasure of seeing this attitude in action?   It is truly amazing to watch a sales person who is commited to the process work.
This Salesperson is relentless in the pursuit of perfection. Their customer feels appreciated in the process and their company is profitable.  They settle for no less that the best effort they can put forth, and accept nothing less from those around them .  It really is a joy to be a part of

  The most striking fact is this, no one has to ask that they step up this level.  The Great ones require this of themselves.

Sell like your living depends on it


Sunday, October 30, 2011


  This posting will be the first in a five part series on traits that make GREAT salespeople

Trait # 1  INTENSE ENERGY from Miriam Webster   isnt is interesting that the definition of Intense contains the word energy  hmmm
: marked by or expressive of great zeal, energy, determination, or concentration <intense effort> 
 It starts when your eyes open in the morning !  I describe it like a big bass drum beating in my chest. Your eyes open and into your inner man bursts a day full of opportunity .


The excitement of this new day just can't be contained, It is settled briefly for some quiet time, Morning devotions , or reflection, but this time only serves to direct the energy

 Now  plan the day, What does it take to be great today?  This amazing opportunity has to be shared !!   Who will I call ?
How will I get in front of new prospects today?
How will I show yesterday's customer that I appreciate the confidence he put in me?
How will I reward my family for their support
The energy is now being focused into a deliberate well structured  force


  This increased  focused directed energy will positively effect every facet of a Sales person's day It serves as the fuel that keeps him on track, and the gust of wind that carries him over obstacles,

Its the intangible quality that sets him apart from the competition in the eyes of the customer
Its the Signal that tells the management that he is the right salesperson for the job
It's the rally cry that draws the team to him for leadership
It's the personal commitment that keeps him earning despite bad economic times

Intense Energy  the first quality in the formula for GREATNESS

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Saturday, October 29, 2011


  I am really starting to get the impression that many salespeople today feel that the idea of offering full service is a thing of the past.

  I guess this conclusion is natural due to the way we do much of our shopping these days

- Big box stores that invite us to help our selves to the merchandise
- Buffet restaurants that give us the opportunity to fill our own plates and bus our own tables
 -Fuel stations that let us pay at the pump and fill our tank
  I could list example after example

Consider this, How does it feel when you develop a question inside of a Huge discount store and can't find the employee "assigned "to that area?  You know the feeling, it starts out as curiosity, turns to frustration, then evolves to full out anger at the thought that there is no more value put on your patronage than to greet you with an empty aisle
 How about that feeling you have when your drink runs dry at the table in that buffet restaurant, and you have to leave good company and great conversation to find the soda fountain  are you thinking "big tip"?
 Ever try to find a shoe horn in a rack store? 

You see we all use the self service retail centers, however that should never be mistaken for our not wanting Good service  

As sales people we need to realize the truth about Customer service


A little extra attention, some outright pampering, that is  what they want when spending their money.  And guess how customers react when they find that attention and pampering ;
 You guessed it !!,  BUY MORE and SPEND MORE

 You see all types of service is responded to.   Bad service results in the loss of business ,
 Mediocre service results in mediocre profits,
 Great Service Results in OUTRAGEOUS SUCCESS
Not only do our customers come back, but they bring the people they care about with them . They want to share this experience.  They talk about it, They write about it, Heck they'd sing about it given the chance.
Great customer service brings GREAT retail rewards.

- It feels good when we know we are truly serving the needs of those we sell to
- It pays well, great service equals great financial reward every time !
- Our company wins ( A quick reminder, companies go out of business every day, Customers bring  longevity with them , and take it when they leave )

Sell like your living depends on it


Friday, October 28, 2011

Seeing your process from the customer's perspective

I am sitting on my back deck with my Grandson Ayden, who is just a few months old. I am watching him tackle a cheerio for the first time.  His face tells a story of both confusion and excitement at the new taste sensation.
It will come as no surprise  that my thoughts turned to selling.

We as sales people  get so wrapped up in our processes and procedures,  that we forget there is someone in the mix that is seeing all this for the first time.OUR CUSTOMER

 No matter what you are selling, There is value in analyzing the experience of doing business with you from the customer's point of view

 - Is it easy to shop with us?
   A retail display area should be neat, well thought out, and ready for a Customer to view.  Clutter in the showroom, poorly maintained inventory and a lack of order will derail even the best sales presentation.
  Our Customer draws their opinion of how we will care for their purchase by observing how we cared for it when it was ours

  - This really is an overlooked area in many businesses,  What would you hope to see looking casually through a window or doorway into an office?
When there is the chance that a customer will catch a glimpse  " behind the curtain" , They shouldn't draw the conclusion that we are not serious about what we do. - Keep your office areas neat and organized, avoid the  bad habits of leaving empty cups and lunch containers every where , Be aware of what is hanging on the walls, and sitting out in plain view.

  -   Some things are true no matter the business your in, and this is one of those truth's
 The areas where a customer transacts business with us need to be business like .
  Extra care needs to be taken that personal information is protected at all times.  Money that is changing hands needs to be handled in a secure and trust worthy manner,  Every detail of this part of the process needs to foster a feeling of trust and security in our Customer's mind.  - If I am handing you my hard earned money I dont want to see other customer's personal information sitting out and treated with disregard for their privacy  I want to know I can trust you ( and it is also the law)

I started this segment writing about Ayden,s first cheerio, it is presently being eaten by my Yorkie and Ayden is enjoying a cookie.  Looking at it from his perspective, its a better choice!

Sell like your living depends on it

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Lets Communicate effectively

In most Sales organizations there are a variety of people with whom you must communicate to do your job well

The customer
Your support Staff
Service/Delivery personnel

Just to name a few examples

Here is the beginning of it all, The most important person in the selling process. Unfortunately we often do the worst job here
- Avoid Industry lingo, and acronyms that your customer doesn't understand. They waste his time, and cloud the facts of the purchase
- Write down the details of the transaction- When will it be ready. What will they need to bring. What additional expenses might they incur . You get the idea , put it all in writing.
- Ask questions,  Do they understand the process? Are they feeling good about the progress thus far? Is there any concern that hasn't been addressed?   Listen to the responses and Communicate Clearly
- Set a specific date and time to meet again, and then confirm that date and time.

 - Don't assume that those helping you to take care of the customer know exactly what he wants, Share the details with those that make this experience possible.  Make sure everyone is on the same page with the customers expectations and take personal responsibility for the success of the sale.

- If you are in a large ticket retail setting chances are good you are not getting the product ready or delivered on your own
- Be very specific with these departments, after all they will shape the customer's lasting impression of you and your company.  If this part of the process goes well, it will result in referrals and repeat customers and that equals SALES
- Respect the limits of these departments, they have schedules and work that is in progress, they cannot easily manipulate their day to day activities. You should be aware of those limitations when scheduling your customer's delivery

Clear and specific communication with everyone involved will ensure that your customer has the best possible experience and that is ...

Selling like your living depends on it


Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Escaping the Undertow

One Common theme in all sales organizations seems to be the ever present fore tellers of doom and gloom.

- They are always there to complain about the customers, the ads, the management ,the hours
- They issue constant reminders of why they are sure you can't succeed
- They are the first to tell the company how bad they are
- They will be certain that the product has not really improved this year

It would seem that they  flock together,  as if they have some radar that attracts them to others of the same mind set


  They are not finding fellow negative people, they are creating them.  And worse yet, unsuspecting bright sales people fall victim to their influence every day

- The customer can feel it radiating off of you, You don't care and they know it
- Your Coworkers can't count on you when it's important,( You wont put in the work it takes to be great)
- You become personally invested in the failure of others (It serves to reinforce your opinions and actions)
- Your entire organization suffers - Sales fall off, public image falters, the competition begins winning


  - Has complaining replaced self improvement 
           Read a good book, talk with a trusted mentor , take some time and Regroup,
  - Has your work product fallen off
           This one requires a long look in the mirror, Don't allow your self to blame any one or any thing for your lack, look only at your self.  Ask the hard questions " Am I giving it my all?" "Am I invested in my own success?"
  - Do you find your self rejecting Positive influences, and rejecting good criticism
         Be honest here, does it get under your skin when someone says good things about you, your company, or the Market place?   Do you dismiss attempts to help as nonsense and rubbish ?
Open up, find a trusted mentor and LISTEN, do some soul searching what has stolen your passion? Where is your fire ? DO WHAT IT TAKES TO GET THAT PASSION BACK!!


 Even the strongest Sales person can get sucked into the world of whiners and complainers !!  This is a very slippery mental place , and I can't stress enough the importance of avoiding It's grasp.  Avoid Negative people, Negative habits, and Negative Places .  Be a Positive energetic, fired up selling machine !!

Sell like your living depends on it

Monday, October 24, 2011

Getting past average

When I was a younger man I aspired to be a Rock and Roll musician, When I dreamed of my future fame, I imagined the Stadiums filled to capacity and the Music lifting  the people . 
Funny, I never dreamed of rehearsal, Practice , voice lessons ,  countless hours of travel,... well you get the picture.

No one dreams of hard work, long hours,training,and practice .  But this is exactly what it takes to rise above the average sales masses

Hard Work
Putting in the effort when the other guys are long finished, Being willing to get just a little farther before you wrap it up.  Asking just one more tough question, making just one more phone call.  Being the last man standing is often the difference in getting the deal.  The greats in this profession understand this discipline well.

Long hours
 What gets you up earlier than the competition, What keeps you going long after the office lights are out?
This discipline is the result of PASSION , a driving desire to be the best, to experience the magic that comes with being at the top of the game Sales leaders dont watch clocks, they Make the time to make it happen.

Training and practice
I know a Sales person  who brags " I have sold more units to my bathroom mirror than I have customers " !
Incidently, he consistantly out sells his peers .  Sales is like any other Craft, training and practice are the key to lasting success.   Practice really doesn't make Perfection, It does make you better and that equals SALES

Sell like your living depends on it

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Today is here , How will you handle it

OK Sales people, your at work, the day has begun , where are you heading, what is your plan, and more importantly how will you get there.

The answer lies in Yesterday's preparation, and This morning's activity


   What will you accomplish , make it simple and specific, don't allow your self to drift aimlessly through your day relying on Chance.  Set a defined goal
" I will sell ___ "
" I will make __ new contacts"
" I will call __ current customers"
" I will study ________"
" I will leave today prepared for tomorrow"

    A common sales day is filled with distractions,  Work place drama, Office politics, Internal issues, Gossip, Home place interruptions, and many other situations and people that will derail even the best of intentions.
The key ; Discipline
  Be disciplined in your approach to your day, prioritize your tasks, Write down the tasks for the day and check them off as you finish.
  Plan to avoid the parts of your work environment that tend to steal your time and attention.  Stay out of the "break room" avoid the "gathering spots" ( Every work place has them )  These places tend to rob your time and impact negatively on your attitude .  In the end staying focused on your plan will result in a fulfilling work day and a profitable selling day

  Even if you have to get up a little earlier, just a little time in the morning , in quiet meditation, Prayer, or reflection is worth Thousands to you in additional income.  Not because it provokes some mythical spirit of wealth that bestows you with sales.  It does however , kindle a fire within you, a quiet determination to have a good day , and a reassurance of whats truly important in your life.  It prepares you to interact with Customers and Co-workers in a positive manner and this results in SALES

And the final tip for this post ;

  Don't count on it being there when you arrive, don't blame others for the lack of it in your work place BRING IT .  I would much rather be known at work for being the guy that is way too fired up ,than for being the guy that is way too burnt out.

Sell like your living depends on it

Selling like it matters

These days I am more and more shocked by the level of apathy in the retail selling profession

A few examples :

* A quick trip to the Mattress store finds the sales man on duty, busy playing the latest game on his "smart" phone
* A stop by the electronics store, and the Sales person has to consult the manual to answer a question on the remote control settings
* A sales person ,Reading a novel,filing their nails,smoking out by the door,Flirting with a receptionist,watching the game, wearing his MP3 player,

Or any other activity that suggests at best he is not ready to help, and at worst he doesn't care !!

Let me be clear, I am a Sales Professional in a retail setting, and I am PROUD of what I do for a living.  I want to do it well, and I am not settling for a mediocre living generated by mediocre talent and laziness. 

And I am certain their are others like me ( Hence the Blog, really not just a rant ! )

So I humbly submit the following advice for my fellow Sales professionals  :

1. Come to work with a purpose
     Set goals, both personal and professional , not far reaching un attainable goals, but daily practical goals
Don't let yourself settle for just "burning" the hours of the workday.  Work towards a benchmark and  accept nothing less than your best effort.

2. Sell with sincere enthusiasm
     What is your " value " in the market place? What can you get excited about? Sincere enthusiasm is generated from within, it stems from a belief that what you do is worth while and will add value to the lives of others.  And the desire to share that value

3. Know what you are talking about
No matter your product, chances are good your customer isn't buying it because they have three more just like it at home.   get to know the product, what are the "real life" applications. Try to know more than the product card or brochure.  Offer your prospect tangible examples of how this product will increase the quality of their lifestyle.  Try spending just fifteen minutes a day examining the product , learning the ins and outs, even it's short comings.  Time spent mastering the product will equal quality demonstrations, and well thought out conversations with the customer, and that my friend, equals SALES.

4. Look the part
Here is the area where I will offend someone, but come on, your customer wants to think about your product not how you managed to get that large silver bone in your nose !! Or how you manage to keep your head up with those fifteen pound earrings on!!  That Shirt with the clever sarcasm on it, is great for a trip to Walmart, but it has no place in a retail setting.  And hey, how about a bath before work, a quick run through with the toothbrush and comb.  Let's look like we care .

And the last tip for this particular post ( and perhaps the most important) ...

5. Act like the customer matters ( Because he does )
 You may think that Snarling ,spitting, overbearing sales manager  pays your paycheck, but you are very mistaken.  If you are in sales of any kind the most important person in the process is the person from whom the income is derived.  They put the fuel in your tank, pay the light bill, buy the nice furniture, and finance the vacations.  Their reward, if you will ,for being willing to spend their money with us  , should not be wasted time with apathetic sales robots,  It should be Our sincere effort to make their time with us effortless, and an experience worth rewarding us for

Sell like your Living depends on it