Thursday, November 17, 2011

Short bursts of Amazing

If you are like me, you have been putting a lot of thought lately into the subject of being better than you are.

  This current time in our nations history is making it crystal clear that the mediocre sales habits of yesterday will simply not get the job done any longer.

  I used to "shop" the competition on my days off, you know go to their place of business as a customer and see how they did things and what their pricing was like.   Now I can see most everything I need to know online.  And so can my customer.
   This fact has pushed the envelope for us, we must now be better than the brick and mortar location, and more appealing that the web , In short when our customer  is in front of us, we must be AMAZING
We simply can't leave their expectations un fulfilled.  We have to offer more value, better service, and all the while make it EASY to buy from us.   We need a short burst of amazing. 


If you plan to live well, and drive a decent car, If you don't want to check your wallet every time you walk into a restaurant .  You will need to get used to the idea that AMAZING pays the bills!
- Amazing Customer service -  Our customer will only reward the sales person that makes him feel special
       Sending the message that your customer is worth whatever it takes , Going the extra mile, being truly AMAZING
- Amazing follow up - Being there, It is just that simple, being available to the customer both before and after the sale   Become an AMAZING point of contact

 the hard truth in Selling is this : Good enough isn't good enough any more !

Beginning with tomorrow's post I will take you through a sample selling process one step at a time, and we will look at ways to become amazing

Stay tuned , It's gonna get AMAZING

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