Sunday, October 23, 2011

Selling like it matters

These days I am more and more shocked by the level of apathy in the retail selling profession

A few examples :

* A quick trip to the Mattress store finds the sales man on duty, busy playing the latest game on his "smart" phone
* A stop by the electronics store, and the Sales person has to consult the manual to answer a question on the remote control settings
* A sales person ,Reading a novel,filing their nails,smoking out by the door,Flirting with a receptionist,watching the game, wearing his MP3 player,

Or any other activity that suggests at best he is not ready to help, and at worst he doesn't care !!

Let me be clear, I am a Sales Professional in a retail setting, and I am PROUD of what I do for a living.  I want to do it well, and I am not settling for a mediocre living generated by mediocre talent and laziness. 

And I am certain their are others like me ( Hence the Blog, really not just a rant ! )

So I humbly submit the following advice for my fellow Sales professionals  :

1. Come to work with a purpose
     Set goals, both personal and professional , not far reaching un attainable goals, but daily practical goals
Don't let yourself settle for just "burning" the hours of the workday.  Work towards a benchmark and  accept nothing less than your best effort.

2. Sell with sincere enthusiasm
     What is your " value " in the market place? What can you get excited about? Sincere enthusiasm is generated from within, it stems from a belief that what you do is worth while and will add value to the lives of others.  And the desire to share that value

3. Know what you are talking about
No matter your product, chances are good your customer isn't buying it because they have three more just like it at home.   get to know the product, what are the "real life" applications. Try to know more than the product card or brochure.  Offer your prospect tangible examples of how this product will increase the quality of their lifestyle.  Try spending just fifteen minutes a day examining the product , learning the ins and outs, even it's short comings.  Time spent mastering the product will equal quality demonstrations, and well thought out conversations with the customer, and that my friend, equals SALES.

4. Look the part
Here is the area where I will offend someone, but come on, your customer wants to think about your product not how you managed to get that large silver bone in your nose !! Or how you manage to keep your head up with those fifteen pound earrings on!!  That Shirt with the clever sarcasm on it, is great for a trip to Walmart, but it has no place in a retail setting.  And hey, how about a bath before work, a quick run through with the toothbrush and comb.  Let's look like we care .

And the last tip for this particular post ( and perhaps the most important) ...

5. Act like the customer matters ( Because he does )
 You may think that Snarling ,spitting, overbearing sales manager  pays your paycheck, but you are very mistaken.  If you are in sales of any kind the most important person in the process is the person from whom the income is derived.  They put the fuel in your tank, pay the light bill, buy the nice furniture, and finance the vacations.  Their reward, if you will ,for being willing to spend their money with us  , should not be wasted time with apathetic sales robots,  It should be Our sincere effort to make their time with us effortless, and an experience worth rewarding us for

Sell like your Living depends on it

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